5 Things You Can Do Under 50 To Protect Your Aging Skin

5 things you can do under 50 to protect your aging skin

Don’t let your skin develop wrinkles, scars, and lines because you never developed a skin care routine. You don’t want to look like the wicked witch in a horror movie. Skin care should be an important part of your daily routine.  Protecting yourself from too much sun, having a healthy diet, exercising, a cleaning routine, not smoking, and drinking in moderation are habits to start developing as early as possible. These habits help you keep your skin looking youthful and fresh before you turn 50.

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What Is My Skin Type?

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Knowing your skin type is crucial to helping you take better care of your skin. There are four primary skin types: normal, oily, dry, and a combination of dry and oily. Skin often changes as we age due to genetics and illness. Normal skin is the most common skin type, but there are plenty of people out there who fall under one of the other three types. Not sure which one describes you? Here’s what each type looks like.

Oily Skin

Oily skin is caused by the sebaceous glands that secrete too much oil in the skin. Often people that have oily skin have a shiny complexion. It causes enlarged pores, blackheads, pimples, and acne. Puberty and hormones worsen the problems caused by oily skin. Some men and women need to wash their face more often due to the oil.

 Often oil appears on the forehead, nose, and chin because that is where most of the oil glands are. They are often shiny while your eyes, cheeks and nose are dry.  If you have oily skin, your skin should be washed twice a day. Use a gentle cleanser and products that don’t clog your pores. Some men and women with oily skin have severe acne that leads to scarring. Your dermatologist can recommend a scar treatment product that helps with this condition.

Dry Skin

Dry skin is dull with very few pores showing. It often has red patches, lines, and is not very elastic. It peels easily, cracks, or develops rough and scaly patches. Dry skin is caused by genes, hormones, and age. Weather is especially hard on dry skin. Heat from indoors, medications, and ingredients in cosmetics often cause problems with dry skin.  When you have dry skin take shorter baths and showers, use mild soaps and cleansers, and don’t’ scrub hard.

Use a moisturizer after washing or showering, wear gloves when cleaning and have a humidifier in the house to help with heat. Dry skin suffers from lack of moisture. Severely dry skin can lead to condition like eczema which needs to be treated by a dermatologist. Dry skin sometimes flakes or feels tight. You should apply a moisturizer after washing.

Combination Skin

Combination skin can be normal and oily in areas or dry and normal, and it’s definitely the trickiest skin type to deal with. This will require a different type of skin care routine. You may have pores that appear larger than usual, shiny skin, blackheads, and dry skin. Often those with combination skin have dry and oily skin, which sounds kind of confusing. The oily part is generally the forehead, nose and chin. You might need mild products for the cheeks and acne products for the chin, nose and forehead.

When in doubt as to your skin type a dermatologist can help. They can tell you what type of skin you have and recommend products that help you treat the condition. A dermatologist can recommend over the counter products and devise a skin routine that works for you. 

Normal Skin

Normal skin is not too dry or oily. Often it is smooth and radiant, looking very healthy. You don’t notice many changes to your skin during the day. Those with normal skin do not suffer from breakouts and can use most cosmetics with no problems. The pores are not visible and they have even skin tones with no red spots and acne.

Most men and women with normal skin don’t suffer from excessive oil or dryness. They don’t have perfect skin but healthier. Normal skin needs gentle cleansers, and a daily routine. Research products recommended by dermatologist for normal skin. This will help you keep your skin healthy.

Knowing your skin type helps you to develop a routine to keep it healthy. A dermatologist can determine what type of skin you have and recommend over the counter products that help. When you have severe acne or other skin conditions that lead to scar treatment they can find products to help reduce or heal scars effectively. 

Written by: Joan Russell

Healing Your Scars: Understanding How Scar Tape and Silicone Sheets Work

healing your scars: understanding how scar tape and silicone sheets work

How your scars heal after surgery is an important factor to many men and women. Most scars are itchy, painful, and make you feel self conscious. They may keep you from sleeping and cause worry or stress. Often after surgery your doctor may recommend scar tape or silicone gel sheet to help your scars heal effectively.

After surgery no one wants scars that last or become permanent. Check with your doctor to find the best type of silicone tape or sheet to use for healing your scars after surgery.

Silicone Gel Sheets

Gel sheets are thin self adhesive bandages that have been proven effective on scars or hypertrophic scars. It is an internationally recommended method to treat scars by the medical community. It has few side effects and is better than steroid injections and pressure applications. Surgical scars get thicker and then smaller as time passes and it heals.

The sheet reduces collagen production in scars. If you use them until you have no scab left it has many positive benefits. It prevents excessive growth of scar tissue.  The scar is flattened and softened, the redness reduced, the sheets decrease the size of the scar, make the skin more flexible, and reduces itching and pain.

Silicone sheet are effective in reducing the size of the scar and improving scar appearance. It provides protection against clothing and bacteria. This is a form of scar healing tape because it sticks to your skin like a band aid. Gel sheets can be taped with silicone tape to keep them in place.

Silicone Tape to Make Scars Less Wide

When you want to make sure a scar does not get wider using silicone tape helps. Silicone tape placed on the length and width of the scar will keep it from getting longer and thicker. Because the tape has silicone gel on it has more healing power. It is easier to keep attached and is easy to remove from the skin.

The paper backing is easy to tear and breathes when applying to the skin. It has a tab that makes it easy to unwind when needed. When removed it does not rip and hurt skin. It is the choice by many nurses for use after surgery on wounds.

Silicone Gel

Silicone gel is a liquid that can be applied on the scar by squirting it into your hands and rubbing it onto the scar. After that you can apply silicone tape to cover the wound. It should be used twice a day. It is easy to use and affordable in cost. The tape protects the wound and can be removed when you clean and apply new gel.

Silicone Tapes, Sheets and Gels

All silicone products work to reduce the size and overall appearance of the scar. It will often help heal discoloration and the texture of the scar. They contain antioxidants that make the scar heal more effectively. They heal skin by adding moisture, oxygen, and hydration. Sheets work faster because you can leave them on all day under clothing.  Sheets can be worn overnight too.

Silicone sheets reduce redness, and itchiness of the scar. They come in many sizes and can fit almost any size scar. It is the safest method around.  Silicone sheets, tape, and gel are an effective say to heal scars after surgery. How to heal scars is easy with silicone gel products. This is one of the most effective scar treatments with the least side effects. Ask your doctor to recommend a brand like scarheal to aid with your recovery after surgery. 

Written by: Joan Russell

5 Signs Your Mole Could Be Dangerous

Moles that appear on your skin are typically benign and may even be endearing or attractive, as is the case with beauty marks. However, moles can also be an indicator of skin cancer, so it’s important to know when a mole isn’t just a mole (hint: it’s not when the mole walks and talks a la The Wind in The Willows, charming as that may be).

Everything You Need To Know About Skin Tags

Skin tags are small growths on the skin that look like warts and moles.  The size is often 2-5 cm and flesh or dark colored.  They are harmless and grow on the neck, armpits, buttocks, groin, under the breasts, upper chest, and eyelids. They can be annoying and embarrassing for men and women. Those middle aged and overweight are more likely to develop them. They should be removed by a dermatologist for safety reasons.

Rosacea: Symptoms, Causes, And Treatments

Rosacea is a common skin disease affecting over 16 million Americans. It is characterized by flushing, redness, and bumps or pimples on the face, particularly around the nose and cheeks. Because it affects appearance, rosacea can causes distressing emotional effects for people who suffer from it, sometimes leading patients to avoid work or social situations if they have a flare-up.

9 Reasons You Need To See A Dermatologist

Dermatologists are doctors who specialize in diagnosing and treating conditions involving the skin, hair, nails, and mucous membranes. There are many reasons people visit the dermatologist, ranging from purely cosmetic to deadly serious. Regardless, here are some reasons you need to see a dermatologist ASAP. 

A Guide To The Different Types of Acne

Acne. We’ve all dealt with it, some of us are still dealing with it, and none of us likes it! While acne is typically associated with pimply-faced teenagers in the grip of fluctuating hormones, acne is far from just an adolescent issue. Acne affects many adults due to a variety of reasons including hormones, stress, family history, medication side effects, or medical conditions. 

Papules: Diagnosis, Treatment, & Cures

What are papules? When the skin becomes very irritated the walls break down. They cause large abnormal skin tissue to form called papules.  They are hard often 1 centimeter in size and different shapes. They are called lesions. The other type of acne is pustules. Pustules are filled with pus and often yellowish in color. They resemble a blister or cyst. When you have these conditions you need to see a dermatologist.

Top 5 Reasons People Visit The Dermatologist

I’ve never been to a dermatologist. I also confess that before doing research for this blog post, I pretty much associated “dermatologist” with treating skin conditions. I was blind to the huge variety of services dermatologists provide, including everything from diagnosing that weird fungus growing under your toenails to performing laser hair removal on your armpits. 

How To Care For Your Skin Type

Just like you wouldn’t use the same beauty products for different hair types, you shouldn’t use the same skincare regimen for different skin types! There are five different skin types—oily, dry, normal, sensitive, and combination—and each one requires different care and attention.

How To Easily Determine Your Skin Type

Everyone’s skin is different. Some people are plagued by dry, flaky skin while others struggle to keep their face from looking like an oil slick. Some people are prone to acne and blemishes while others have skin so flawless it looks like it was airbrushed. These days, “perfect skin” is only a filter away, at least in the social media realm. However, in the real world, skin care takes a lot more effort.

7 Things That Are Triggering Rosacea

Rosacea is an inflammatory skin condition that causes redness, pimples, bumps, small visible blood vessel primarily on the face. What causes rosacea?  It is caused by bacteria, genes, light skin color, and mites. It appears more in fair skinned individuals and between the ages of 30-50 years old. It causes those that have to feel isolated and very self conscious.  It can be treated by a dermatologist and there are several factors that cause or trigger the condition. Here's 7 rosacea triggers and how to control them:

The Link Between Asthma and Eczema

Asthma is a hard illness to live with and so is eczema. Studies have shown there is a line between the two diseases. According to WebMD when both parents suffer from asthma or eczema their children are more likely to get the illnesses. What is eczema you might ask? Eczema is a skin condition that takes many different forms. It is usually red scaly blotches, blisters, or rashes on the skin. It is a disease that children, men, and women get. 

Eczema Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

If you’ve seen popular pharmacy commercials, you may have asked yourself what eczema is. Over 30 million American suffer from eczema, including children, men and women.  Children commonly develop eczema on their face and all over the body. Eczema is itchy and produces red inflamed skin almost anywhere on the body. It can appear on the arms, legs, face, or stomach.  Often it is embarrassing and annoying for those that have it. Continue reading article>

How to Treat Cystic Acne

Cystic acne if one of the most severe type of acne that anyone can suffer from. It often occurs in teens and young men and women. It causes problems with self esteem and self image. It is when an infection goes deep into the skin causing red bumps and cysts filled with pus. If a pimple bursts it causes more infection. It is often on the face that is why it affects self esteem.  Cystic acne is more likely to develop during your teens and early 20’s. Older adults and younger children can get it too.  It often appears on the face, back, upper arms,and shoulders.

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4 Myths About Stretch Marks: Debunked

4 myths about stretch marks debunked

Every culture has its gods.  And, as you probably remember from learning about ancient Greece in school, where there are gods, there are myths. In our culture one of our many gods is Beauty, and one of the ways we pay her homage is by attempting to make ourselves in her image. To this end, the internet is flooded by health and beauty advice, some of which, unfortunately, is based more on wishful thinking than on scientific evidence.

Stretch marks are a very common skin concern, affecting about 80 percent of us. Although they are not harmful, many people consider them to be unsightly and wish to prevent or get rid of them. As with with many things, googling the topic opens a Pandora’s box of misconceptions surrounding stretch marks.

Some of these myths border on just plain silly; one website listed “stretch marks are contagious” as a common myth. Ok…that’s not one I’ve ever heard but good thing it’s not true! Also, apparently statements such as “stretch marks cannot be prevented” and “there is no way to get rid of stretch marks” are simultaneously mythical and factual, depending on who you ask. Thankfully, however, there are some myths about stretch marks it seems we can agree are actual misconceptions.

Myth #1: Only women get stretch marks

This myth was probably born from the association between stretch marks and pregnancy. Although it is true that about 90 percent of pregnant women will get stretch marks, stretch marks don’t discriminate between the sexes. Of course, stretch marks in men are not the result of pregnancy! Some causes of stretch marks in men include rapid growth and changing hormones during puberty, weight gain associated with athletic training or obesity, and certain medical conditions and medications.

Myth #2: Skinny people don’t get stretch marks

If only! Unfortunately, skinny people can get stretch marks just as easily as those who are overweight. Regardless of their weight everyone goes through puberty, which is when many people acquire stretch marks. This is due not only to your body’s rapid growth but also to hormonal changes that occur during this time. Also, not all “skinny” people started out that way, and since stretch marks are scars they typically persist on your body even after you lose weight.

Myth #3: “Skin stretching” is the only cause of stretch marks

Stretch marks can be caused by many things, some of which include the following: pregnancy, puberty, hormones, sudden growth, poor diet and lack of vitamins, depression and stress, and certain drugs (hormone therapies, steroids, and cortisone cream are a few examples). Additionally, some medical conditions including Cushing’s disease and Ehlers-Danos syndrome can result in stretch marks. Keep in mind that a person can also be genetically predisposed to stretch marks…yay.

Myth #4: There is no way to treat stretch marks

False. Stretch marks are scars, which means that erasing them permanently and completely is difficult and there is not a magic cure. However, it also means there are many treatment options available that can reduce stretch marks or improve their appearance. Please refer to this blog post on the best stretch mark removal options for some ideas!

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, so can stretch marks be prevented? Unfortunately, this seems unlikely. For example, if you inherited a genetic predisposition for stretch marks from your mother there is probably nothing you can do to prevent their appearance. Even so, everyone likes to try. Keeping yourself well-hydrated and ensuring your skin is moisturized may not help, but it also can’t hurt.

Regardless, when it comes to stretch marks just remember you are not alone—most of us have them, none of us is perfect, and that’s ok! 

Written by: Margaret Durkovic

How To Heal Your Sunburn As Told By A Dermatologist

Sunburn occurs when you go to the beach or are outdoors without protection from the sun. The UV rays from the sun damages the skin often causing redness and pain. Sunburns increase the risk of wrinkles, dark spots and skin cancer.  There is mild to moderate sunburn and severe sunburn that leads to sun poisoning. Continue Reading Article >

Is Psoriasis Hereditary Or Not?

What is Psoriasis? Psoriasis is a skin condition that develops when signals go crazy with the immune system. Genes and heredity are one factor that causes it. You do not shed dead skin but it builds up forming plaque. Some families have a history of psoriasis but genes are just one reason it develops.  Often it is found that only 1/3 of patients have a history of the disease in the family. Continue Reading Article >

Stretch Marks: How They Got There

stretch marks: how they got there

More than likely you have, at some time or another, noticed stretch marks on some area of your body. For me, this typically happens when I’m putting on a bikini for the first time in anticipation of summer (I conveniently forget about their existence during the fall and winter months). If you’ve ever been pregnant you have probably experienced stretch marks, or perhaps they were your unsolicited “reward” for losing that 50 pounds during your office “biggest loser” competition.  If you’re somehow a freak of nature with genetically perfect skin, you probably aren’t on this website or reading this blog (kidding!). Even so, perhaps you have observed stretch marks on other people’s bodies and wondered what causes them and how they got there.

What are stretch marks?

Stretch marks are indented striations on the skin that can vary in color and appear pink, red, blue, black, or purple. They typically fade to white over time and can appear on many different areas of the body including the belly, thighs, hips, breasts, upper arms, and lower back.

What causes stretch marks?

As the name implies, stretch marks are caused by—you guessed it—stretching of the skin. However, this is a bit of an oversimplified definition, and my goal is to provide an explanation that is a little more than skin deep (I couldn’t resist!). So let’s talk about what causes stretch marks and how they get there.

How do stretch marks get there?

Our skin has three layers: the epidermis, the dermis, and the hypodermis. The dermis, which is the middle layer of skin, contains connective tissue. This connective tissue is elastic and is designed to stretch slowly as the body grows. When the skin contracts or expands suddenly rather than gradually, the connective fibers in the dermis tear and break instead of stretching, similar to a rubber band that has been stretched too far and suddenly snaps. Picture the same rubber band and imagine stretching it slowly and gently, which is how our skin is designed to stretch over time. Now imagine abruptly yanking that same rubber band in opposite directions, snapping it. When this process of abrupt stretching happens in the dermis, the dermis tears and the deepest layer of skin (the hypodermis) shows through. This is what causes the stretch marks.

How severe stretch marks are depends on several factors, including the degree of stress on the skin, genetic predisposition, and cortisone levels (cortisone weakens those elastic fiber in the dermis). All skin is not created equal, which means your likelihood of getting stretch marks, along with how severe they are, is partially determined by whether or not you won the genetic lottery. If you’re lucky and have never dealt with stretch marks, congratulations, you are among the happy few. For everyone else who may be interested in information on how to reduce or remove stretch marks, please check out this blog post on stretch mark removal. There are options! 

Written by: Margaret Durkovic